Excerpt from Notice

Two more days!

Here is the official excerpt from Notice.  It’s also the opening of the novel.

I was a creature of many secrets.

The three aspects of my life — my human teaching career, my dragon life, and my homosexuality — stayed so separate that only two people alive, my bodyguards, knew everything, and I kept even them on the fringes. My dragons only knew that I also taught human children, but my students didn’t know about my dragons and certainly not about my sexuality, and my lover only knew I was a teacher and had no idea that I was also a dragon, and I liked it that way very much.

My worst nightmare was to have my three lives collide. I knew who would be the causality if that happened. 

I taught history in a small high school in northern Vermont. Fifteen minutes into the last period on the first day of school for the year, everyone was tired, hot, and ready to go home. As I collected the papers from the wire bin where the students had put the “getting to know you forms” they had just filled out, I was thinking wistfully about fresh mountain air and moonlight on my wings.

And about someone who would be lying on cool sheets in our bedroom, freshly showered, waiting for me… 

I shuffled through the papers as I walked to the front of the classroom, and I suddenly felt my heart stop for an instant.

One of the forms in the middle of the pile was blank, except for the words, “Consider this your official notice.”

A student? My thoughts dissolved in horror. 

The knights were after me again.

And had sent a student to kill me.

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