I’m Free!
Well, Notice is. Tomorrow morning from 7-8 AM, CST.
To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Torquere Press is offering a sampling of book for free, one a day during the month of September. I’m honored to have Notice among all the fine titles.
So if you don’t know who Josh is but have been wondering, now is your chance to enter into the Notice series for free. Meet the man who fell in love with a dragon-shifter. Meet the dragon who trusted his heart to a human. It’s a wild ride that I’m thrilled to be part of.
What I Write…
A review for Webs has already popped up — yea! SOOO wonderful when someone recognizes what a writer is trying to do. Read the review HERE
And read more about Webs HERE
And if you liked Webs, you might enjoy my very first published M/M story, The Glass Man. It’s also about a man who finds himself and love in the more extreme forms that passion can take.
Read more about it HERE
And Ice has got some chilly stuff in it, too. Read more about it HERE
More on Webs
I’m just really excited about Webs. To whet your appetites a little more — it’s a BDSM menage story, and the heat rating is over the top hot. Which is like, really hot. It’s a science fiction tale that takes place on a spaceship that is fueled by the energy released from orgasms. So that means that there are lot of them.
I wanted to explore what would happen if I took a strong man and stripped him of everything — his freedom, his memories, and his inhibitions — and put him in a situation of danger. What happened was a surprise to him as well as to me. Then, half way through, he has the option to have his memory restored, but at the cost of losing his recent memories,
Being inside Jared’s head was a very interesting place to be, for sure. He grows in a lot of ways as he explores his relationship with a fellow prisoner and with their alien captor. But mostly, he learns a lot about a part of himself he’s never dared to let surface before. Accepting who he really is inside is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do.
Get your copy HERE
Oh, and in case you’re squeamish, there are no spiders in the story. The “web” is created entirely by the characters.
Webs is Out!
It’s official! Webs is available! The buy link is HERE
Here is the blurb:
He wakes nameless, without memory, and in chains. He expects death. Instead, he falls in love. Not once, but twice. The passion that binds the three men will not only change their lives, but change the whole galaxy. That is, if they escape the webs they’re caught in.
And here is an excerpt:
“Excellent.” He took my arms and pulled them gently behind me.
What a Week!
Wow, is all I can say.
Final Awakening released from Torquere Press yesterday.
Webs coming out from Changeling Press tomorrow.
And yesterday, I signed a contract with Dreamspinner Press to publish Another Healing! I couldn’t be more thrilled.
Another Healing is the long awaited sequel to my 2010 Charity Sip, The Rosebud. People may remember James, the hurting healer who falls in love with everyone he heals, and Ambient, the man he saves after a car accident? I have been asked so many times for more of their story. Why does James have this strange healing talent? Why is Ambient the one who breaks the curse and falls in love with James? And can these two make a life together?
Well, I was as interested as everyone else, and I wrote a novel to find out. I have to say, some of the answers threw me for a loop.
I REALLY worked hard on this novel for most of three years, and it would have been done sooner though not as well if a friend hadn’t shaken her head and told me to pretty much start over. One of the most important things she said was that nobody was going to remember The Rosebud. At least the finer details of it. (I mean, really, who could forget someone named Ambient?) So since The Rosebud was long out of contract anyway, I incorporated it into the first chapter of the novel. So don’t worry if you can’t remember all the details — you’ll get to read them again.
This is my first full length novel since Notice, and it will be my first one in PRINT! That is very cool by itself!
Oh, and don’t forget, I have a really neat ghost story novella, Haunted Halls, coming out sometime soon with Less Than Three Press. I love that story, too.
This is what happens when I don’t publish anything for a while. A whole bunch of stuff happens at once. It’s kind of freaky for a shy writer.
2013 Charity Sip Blog Hop
Welcome to my blog! I’m very excited to be part of Torquere’s Blog hop. This is my fourth time taking part in Torquere’s Charity Sip Blitz. It’s always an honor to be included and to feel like I’m doing something to support the gay community in some fashion or other.
My contribution this year is Final Awakening, a sequel to my story last year, Slow Awakening, the story about the king who visits a cave and has the most incredible night of his life. Then he finds out in the morning that the man who’d been his master for the evening is none other than the new ambassador from a neighboring land, and that two the of them will have to work together publicly.
In Final Awakening, the king visits the ambassador’s homeland, which is even less supportive to men of their persuasion than his own. Not only does their love come to the test, but so do their lives.
And what does this have to do with uniforms? As the ambassador finds out, a lot can change depending on which one he’s wearing.
Here’s the blurb:
I admit that I had a little trouble coming up with an idea for this call when it was announced last spring. I honestly don’t have much experience with uniforms and all that they symbolize, though my father served in WWII and my great-great grandfather fought in the Civil War. And my daughter’s fiance is an EMT. But being able to be out and serve seems like a really good idea, so I wanted to come up with something. As usual, when reality is lacking, I turn to fantasy, and my characters from last year were haunting me, and then I suddenly had an idea and soon a story. I hope you all enjoy Final Awakening!
A Visitor
This handsome gentleman visited our yard last week, enjoying the apples that have fallen from our apple trees:
And we had some spectacular clouds a while ago:
Webs is Getting Closer!
Watch for my newest novella Webs on September 20 from Changeling Press. It’s been heaps of fun working on this story. It’s from my — ahem — darker side, to put it gently. New characters, new setting, and an unusual plot.
Here’s the blurb:
He wakes nameless, without memory, and in chains. He expects death. Instead, he falls in love. Not once, but twice. The passion that binds the three men will not only change their lives, but change the whole galaxy. That is, if they escape the webs they’re caught in.
Here’s the link to me at Changling Press. (Yes, this is the same me. Just… a different part of me.) *Blushes*
But please do NOT go there if you aren’t an adult!
Very Cool!
I was just offered a renewal contract for my novel Notice for two more years! Very pleased. So Varian and Josh aren’t going anywhere in a hurry!
Just got to say, I’ve always loved this cover. It’s so Vermont. I mean, yeah, the dragons are here, and they’ve got attitude, and you can see them if you just close your eyes for a second…