Camp From the Water

This is turning out to be the summer of kayaks. Because it’s so hard to get our canoe up and down from the deck, it’s been years since I’ve actually been able to get out on the water. A few weeks ago, we bought two inexpensive, sit-on-top  kayaks that we can get into the water with minimal stress. And suddenly, the whole lake has opened up to me again. I’ve never actually done much kayaking before, so it’s been a learning experience. The bumps and bruises and sore arms are well worth it. I’ve been out a handful of times now, and I’m geting confident enough to use my phone to get a few shots. They aren’t great — my poor phone can’t handle the amount of light out there. 

This is a view of the deck where I’ve taken so many, many shots. It looks so small from out here! And no, the water isn’t really this sick looking!

This is looking at our camp from down below, zoomed in.

And this is the island from the other side. It looks so strange!

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