So Haunted Halls snuck out yesterday before midnight by a few hours, but that’s okay. Today’s the official release day on my calendar, and I’m celebrating! I took a long walk and reflected on where I’m at in my writing and then hung out my hummingbird feeders for the summer. (I know, not very exciting. I’ll have some ice cream in a minute.)
But putting out my feeders makes me happy, even though I don’t expect any hummingbirds to be here for a few days, at least. I want to make sure they feel welcome when they arrive. Yes, the same ones come back year after year, and their babies do, too. I’ve been in kind of a lull the past few weeks because I’ve taken in my sunflower seed feeders so the bears don’t get them (yes, there are black bears here) and I’m looking forward to the hummers.
There is a connection between Haunted Halls and hummingbirds. I wrote Haunted Halls last summer during a period when I was letting myself have a little distance from Another Healing, the novel that ate my life for three years. I actually finished both pieces and subbed them about the same time. Hence they have both been released close to the same time. Last summer feels like ages ago. I was frantically getting Final Awakening and Webs ready to be released in September, too.
I’ve only actually written two pieces this winter — The Dragon and the Palm Tree which is coming out in a few weeks, and Natural Instincts, which is still in progress. It’s hard to describe how much energy goes into the editing process and all the marketing that goes along with it, including making book trailers, which take a lot of time. Now I’m working on my next Charity Sip which is due in a few weeks. I’m very ready for a focused period of writing once Palm Tree is released. I’ve decided to work on a novel idea I’ve had for a long time — another ghost story. This one is called Jai. So far it’s going really well, and I’m going to do my best not to let any other projects distract me from it.
So that was the result of my walk this afternoon.
Anyway, I hope people are enjoying Haunted Halls and a glimpse into my college days. It’s picking up some very nice early reviews already. Thank you all so much!
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