It’s Charity Sip Time Again!

I can’t believe it’s that time already, but tomorrow, the Charity Sips will be released! This will be my third year to participate. My first story was The Rosebud, my second story was My Boyfriend Has a Scar, and this year my offering is called Slow Awakening. I won’t say much yet about it, except that it is a bit of a departure for me. In fact, I’m not sure what got into me, except that it was a lot of fun.

Tomorrow, I’ll post the cover and an excerpt.

For now, this is the official scoop from Torquere Press:

For 2012-2013, Torquere’s authors have chosen the theme “Leather Bound” in honor of Torquere’s ninth anniversary. The ninth is traditionally the leather anniversary, what better theme to let GLBTQ writers go wild. The charity which will benefit from this year’s Charity Blitz is NOH8, whose mission is to promote marriage, gender and human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest. More than twenty five authors have written short fiction pieces and have agreed to donate all proceeds of the sales of these stories to this year’s charitable organization. Torquere Press Inc. will match the authors’ donations completely.

This year, we’re also pleased to announce that our distribution partner, Rainbow eBooks, has agreed to once again be the title sponsor of our Sip collection, and will be our sole distributor outside of the Torquere Books website. Please support our sponsor by visiting them at

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