I am most excited. Last summer, a good friend of mine went to England and came back with a pair of divining rods. This summer, she returned to England, and I asked her to pick me out a pair. I figured that maybe ones that came from the Old World where my ancestors are from would be more sensitive than ones made here. Last night she gave me the pair she had picked out, and I am most excited. I just spent an hour walking around outside with them, and they are so much more sensitive than the pair of bent coat hangers I had been using.
First I went over places where I know I’ve gotten reactions before, like where the buried electrical cable runs from the pole to the corner of our house and over the septic system (proof that magic is practical). Then I started getting strange reactions in the side yard that I couldn’t figure out until I remembered that several years ago, we had our internet service provider bury a cable up to the house. Now I know exactly where that is.
With my coat hangers, I was only able to find electrical cables and metal, but my news rods reacted to water as well. I picked up a hose lying on the grass, and they went quite wild when I held them over the swimming pool. But the strongest reaction I got was when I held them over the electrical box where the power comes into the house. They started swinging really wildly and I began to get that unpleasant, painful feeling I get when I put jumper cables onto the battery of a car. (I avoid doing that at all costs after my hands ached for hours the last time.) So I went back and held the rods over the pool for a while to calm down, but I’m still feeling a little queasy as I write this and my hands are tingling. I shall stay away from electrical boxes after this.
I don’t claim to understand or explain how this works, but right now my stomach is giving me no doubt that it does.