Whee! I have Internet again!
Vermont has been slammed with insane thunderstorms every day for the last five days, and I lost Internet (and phone and TV) after the first one. It feels like being blindfolded. I drove an hour on Saturday to find a relative with a working computer just to stay on top of my emails.
Now, I enjoy a good thunderstorm if I’m somewhere safe, but these have been a bit much. Several days, it was like the storm started late afternoon and just kept going until midnight. Other storms would blast through all night, every few hours, making real sleep impossible. And it has just rained all the time. We’re trying to open our swimming pool for the season, and we’d no sooner gotten it filled than we had to start draining it. I’ve been out in downpours pitching chemicals over the side, trying to time it between thunder events. I admit, I’m a little obsessive about my pool, but the deep, dark secret is that I’m really a mermaid, and if I don’t get wet at least once a day… I usually start each summer day with a dip before breakfast, end it with a dip before bed, and have at least several swims during the day.
Anyway, I’m back, for the moment at least. Today we’re going bike riding for the first time this year, and I’m a little worried about how my knee will hold up (I had surgery last fall — torn meniscus. A whole lot of no fun.) Wish me luck!